Shōtōkan Budōkai Affiliation and Dan Registration Fees
The Shōtōkan Budōkai will use a system of banding in according to the core values to respect and facilitate the Shōtōkan Budōkai communities throughout the world.
Following the World Bank’s figures of GDP per person, four bands will be used to allow national affiliates and individual members to pay proportionally similar amounts.
Please see below for charts detailing countries and bands (subject to periodic change).
USD150 per annum
Upon application of Affiliation.
Certificate of Affiliation
Payment and registration of Dan Examinations
If a candidate is successful, the official examiner must register the grade within one month of the exam.
Registration for all Dan grades is USD100. Once this money has been transferred to the Headquarters, certificates will be issued.
If the candidate is unsuccessful, 50% of the fee will be returned to the candidate. It is then the responsibility of the examiner to give a detailed review of the exam and provide a strategy for the candidate to be successful on their next attempt
Payment bands refer to the country in which the candidate is a resident.
USD190 | Shodan
USD240 | Nidan
USD340 | Sandan
USD400 | Yondan
USD500 | Godan
USD600 | Rokudan
No Charge | Nanadan
No Charge | Hachidan
Country Bands
BAND A : 100% of fees applicable
Andorra, Anguilla, Antigua, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Bahrain, Barbados, Belgium, Bermuda, Brunei, Canada, China, Croatia, Cayman Islands, Channel Islands, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Faeroe Islands, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Guam, Czech Republic, Hong Kong, Hungary, China, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macao (China), Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Slovak Republic, Trinidad, Tobago, Poland, San Marino, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Virgin Islands (US).
BAND B : 75% of fees applicable
American Samoa, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Belize, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Belarus, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Costa Rica. Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Dominica, Gabon, Grenada, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Libya, Lithuania, Maldives, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mayotte, Mexico, Namibia, Northern Mariana Islands, Oman, Palau, Peru, Panama, Russia, Seychelles, Romania, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, Serbia, Samoa, South Africa, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uruguay, Venezuela.
BAND C : 50% of fees applicable
Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belize, Bolivia, Cape Verde, Cote’ D’lvoire, Dominican Republic, Arab Rep, Egypt, EI Salvador, Fiji, Guatemala, Georgia, Guyana, Honduras, Iran, Indonesia, Iraq, India, Islamic Rep, Iraq, Jordan, Kiribati, Kosovo, Lesotho, FYR (North Macedonia), Marshall Islands, Macedonia, Micronesia Fed. States, Morocco, Moldova, Mongolia, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Serbia and Montenegro, Sri Lanka, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Timor-Leste, Suriname, Sao Tome and Principe, Swaziland, Syrian, Arab Republic, Tonga, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Vanuatu, West Bank and Gaza.
BAND D : 25% of fees applicable
Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Kenya, Korea Democratic Rep, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao PDR, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Myanmar, Nepal, Palestine, Rwanda, Senegal, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sudan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Nepal.
BAND D : 10% of fees applicable
Afghanistan, Burundi, Rep Dem. Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Niger, Sierra Leone, Togo, Uganda, Zimbabwe.